Dental Spray Adult (2.5ml X 2 bottles)
RM 27.90
Are you having bad breath or sensitive teeth? Do you travel often and need to ensure your breath is always minty fresh? You can now have the convenience of oral hygiene in the palm of your hand. Just one spray will last you half the day, so have the confidence to seize the day!
Advantages of Discol Dental Spray:
Antibacterial, non-abrasive, does not harm enamel, suitable for sensitive teeth.
含抑菌配方,不含研磨剂,不磨损珐琅质。It's all in one: toothpaste, mouthrinse, denture cleaner, dry use.
ALL in One: 牙膏,漱口水,假牙清洗液,干洗手。Mini packaging, great convenience, perfect for travelling.
体积小,好携带,出门不必再瓶瓶罐罐。Just one pump of the spray to ensure oral hygiene, prevent tooth decay, strengthen enamel and prevent sensitive teeth.
用量省(按压1-2次),泡沫细致,配合正确刷牙习惯,可防蛀健齿,强化牙周组织,防牙齿(酸,软)敏感。Perfect for travellers, the elderly, hospital patients, denture users and chemo patients.